Wednesday, June 20, 2012

'Bath Salts' Used to Get High Are Now Illegal'

Bath Salts are Made up of one or all of these 3 targeted components-
  • Mephedrone  (methylmethcathinone, also known as M-Cat, Meow, 4-MMC, or Bubbles)
  • Methylone  (methylenedioxymethcathinone, also known as bk-MDMA, M1, or Explosion)
  • Methylenedioxypyrovalerone  (MDPV, also known as NRG-1)
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Declares a Temporary Ban on the Risky Drugs
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has invoked its emergency authority "necessary to protect the public from the imminent hazard posed by these dangerous chemicals."

Specifically, the DEA action targets three of the drugs commonly sold as "bath salts," "plant food/fertilizer," or even as "toy cleaner." The drugs are among a large number of new designer drugs popping up in retail stores, head shops, and on the World Wide Web.
The drugs now declared to be Schedule I substances -- the most restricted category -- are:
  • Mephedrone (methylmethcathinone, also known as M-Cat, Meow, 4-MMC, or Bubbles)
  • Methylone (methylenedioxymethcathinone, also known as bk-MDMA, M1, or Explosion)
  • Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV, also known as NRG-1)
News release, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.